Sunday, March 8, 2009

Tribute to a woman's life...

Growing among 'women of substance', this is a tribute to all of them who , made me who I am and still make me want to be a better human being each day of my life, on this International Womens' Day.
To my late grandmother, who, unshamedly lavished her love and partiality to me among all her grand children...
To my mother, who wanted nothing more than my happiness and prays every living moment for my well being...
To my sisters, whom I bullied and teased, but never flinched from calling me the best brother in the world...
To my wife, who is my favorite and most ardent critic keeping me grounded in reality, who I want to wake up with each morning...

To my lady colleagues, who have understood and appreciated every professional victory of mine ...
And to my daughter, who remains the centre of life , whose smile is worth all the troubles of adult and professional life...

This is for you all -------------

As a sister to brats galore,
She tends and mends fights
Bullied and tugged by the ponytails,
She still makes it up in the end

Brothers are always lost
Without the care and the compassion,
Without the trusted ear
Who is sump for every secret

As a wife to a kid (men never grow up)
She mollycoddles and massages
Gargantuan egos and complexes
And makes the day special in the night

She lends ear to every bickering
Comforts every rejection
Lauds each achievement
Lends a shoulder for each grief

As a mother, the creator of all
She has learnt the trade
After mothering her husband
She has the child in every heartbeat

She has a premonition of a kind
An accurate sense of feeling
Of whatever the child goes through
And prays every minute for the well being

As a grandmother of toddlers
She develops prowess in stories
Spoils with gifts and goodies
Pampers to heart’s content

She reminisces through life
Proud of what she was and is now
And readies herself for the yonder
And another life of love and care.


Desikamani said...


Good work!
The pre amble is better than the poem. I liked it very much.

Do change the Internal to International before women's day

Rajesh Nair said...

Thanks Boss ! Made the change !

Unknown said...

Nice one - very touching! Some growing up is also most welcome (from men in general)! Will slowly read the rest. Super job of putting it up!- An Aged Old Colleague!

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