Saturday, March 21, 2009

On getting lost in the rigmaroles of life...

Thinking on the same lines as my earlier in the blog, I perused my old journal of five six years ago and saw this unfinished set of stanzas. Wrote a few more lines and posted the same. Maybe it is a slightly retrospective, since life has been sunshines of late :-)

There were days when I felt choked,
So full of energy and zest of life
But so less time to take space
A moment for my breath

The rush was everywhere
The cars, the mad rush at the lights
The hungry hands at the closed window
We were all in a hurry

The birds were never there
The green was always a passing blur
The sky, I guess must have been there
And we lived, of course

Then when the time came
I looked for all these
Something to hang on and cling
To a support for our dear lives

But the flowers had withered
The leaves were dry
The smell of rains were gone
Just the heat and the dune remained

I lived a life of noticing nothing
Never the leaves and the pulchritude
Never the soft whispers of nature
And never the touches of loved ones.

But life is strange healer
The smiles were fast to come
The minds bend to forgive
I was on a bed of roses once again !


Unknown said...

Deja Vu ! I work in consulting myself and just gets lost for months and months at client's site in far flung foreign locations. You have captured it very well

Unknown said...

Masshe, never knwe that you write and you write so well. Adi Polli !

Unknown said...

Very good ! And adding my piece - it is not about the distance that is important - it is the journey !

Unknown said...

Damn good ! But once we are trapped in it - we are all in it inspite of whatever anyone says and inspite knowing that we should take is EASY.

Unknown said...

Hi, Very good ! I think Rajesh, you should have different blogs addressing different topics. Like a separate blog for the Huan Capital Series definitely.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the last stanza. I was feeling really low after the reading the other part of the poem. Way to go !

Anonymous said...

Oh ! This is manna !

Our Political ensemble !

Our Political ensemble !